Tuesday, April 01, 2008

A special person

I don't understand why parents with specially challenged children look at them as a burden. As if they have been punished with that child's birth and as though their own personally happiness has been curbed with the child being in their family. No doubt many of them embrace the child and give him/her full support throughout their life. I beg to differ in my outlook. I see any such child as a blessing; A blessing from god. He sent that child to this family's only because he knew for sure that this was the family in which the child could find all the love and care that she needed to live a meaningful and comfortable life like any other human being.


  1. I happened to read this article a couple of days ago...

    It is a concrete example of the issues you dwell upon in this post. Here is an excerpt that captures the essence:

    "When you're handed a diagnosis of some sort of developmental disorder, you have to let go of the child you thought you were going to have," Jackaway said. "There's a sense of loss of the child, a grieving process. There's denial, there's rage, and then there's the tremendous sadness, and hopefully you get to a place of accepting."

  2. hmm..though i do not fully agree with the first part of the post..parents always accept, love and care their children..though there is disappointment due to what fate/God did to them...it may take time for some to understand that its important to appreciate the qualities that the children exhibit, and of course show patience and be pragmatic in their expectations..

    PS:have u mentioned 'specially challenged' intentionally, or did u mean specially abled?

    PS2: this post seems to be influenced by some news item or a personal interaction. probably i am wrong

  3. Yeah .. It was inspired from a show I was watching .. I then happened to go through some research at Duke and shockingly, an overwhelming majority of parents see this as a huge burden.

    Of course financial difficulties, health care and insurance related issues fuel such negative emotions...

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  5. I so agree with you; if we are talking about the same news item, not one article I read even considered the fact that they were taking a life when they talked in such a blase manner about abortion. In fact, as I remember there were talks about how unfair it was to the Parents! Makes one wonder where we are with respect to compassion.
